What OnsoZoom customers say about us

Saved my daughter from chemotherapy

Ekaterina Kornakova, Czech Republic, Prague
My daughter started having severe headaches after school. We went to neurologists in several private clinics - after an examination a neoplasm was found in the left lobe of the brain. Doctors were hesitant to diagnose the problem and suggested surgery to open the skull for biopsy. In this case, no one gave a guarantee that after such a diagnosis, all will be well. I, of course, refused to do such a thing;

The whole family began to look for a way out and found through acquaintances on Oncozoom. I contacted the team via the Internet.

Within a week we organized a consultation with a doctor from the Israeli clinic Sheba. At the beginning we talked to the professor. The consultation lasted for 2 hours. Afterwards we were given a detailed anamnesis and a plan of examinations;

Already during the consultation we were made to understand that the symptoms we had and the neoplasm were most likely unrelated.

In the end, the doctor made recommendations and prescribed therapies that we could do at home, and the neoplasm turned out to be a calcium deposit in the brain, which will go away over time after treatment. We received prescriptions for medication that we were able to purchase right away. I consider it incredibly lucky that we found your company and were able to save ourselves from doing the wrong thing.

Thank you for saving my baby girl!